Electric bloom

Electric Bloom is a modern take on the psychedelic sounds that came from classic rock brand from the 70’s. Heavily inspired by bands such as Grateful dead and Genius.

Psychedelic rock has a special and nostalgic place in my heart. The beautiful sound of The Grateful dead and others have always very heavily inspired my art. I loved the feeling of connecting with and unknown world that listening to their music brings me. I wanted to capture that feeling the best I could in my album cover. With songs like Chromatic Dreams, Pulse of the city, and more It is pretty evident that this album will be a journey to listen to. It was a fun challenge to come up with visuals to expand the adventure.

The Process

The process of creating this album was very rewarding. I started with creating the image below on a 3 ft by 4 ft piece of paper with chalk pastels. I gave myself the opportunity to create with no guidelines. When drawing I often am drawn to the theme of disported body parts placed in an unworldly setting. I wanted to create a labyrinth of stairs creating a sense of confusion and uncomfortability, which I juxtaposed with bright colors and comfort images to give the space a contrasting sense of coziness. After finishing this piece, I moved to illustrated to recreate and expand the image.